Tablelands Youth Strategic Plan 2019 – 2024

Project Update

Thank you to everyone that provided feedback on the draft Youth Strategic Plan 2019 - 2024.

The draft Strategic Plan will be presented to Council for endorsement in late May 2019, and set to be launched July 2019.

We will keep you up to date with the Strategy here!

Community engagement

Council in collaboration with community have been developing a 5 year Youth Strategic Plan and have engaged with over 200 young people, youth services and community members. The planning and development process involved a youth symposium, workshops, forums and working groups. The consultation has brought together a range of young people and youth sector expertise to understand issues, needs, perspectives and identify opportunities for young people across the Tablelands.

Throughout the engagement process key priorities have been identified and successful partnerships established, including Mind Pod Tablelands Youth, for future collaborations across the youth sector, and deliverables of this plan by key stakeholders. Feedback from the community has been analysed and themed to inform the draft Youth Strategic Plan 2019 - 2024, which outlines the priorities and actions over the next five years.

Priority Areas
The following 6 priority areas have emerged from the community consultation data analysis.

1. Youth Participation and Development

2. Achieving Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Youth Equity

3. Active Social Connection

4. Pathways to Independence

5. Youth Health and Wellbeing

6. Enabling Access

Why a Youth Strategy? 

Young people are integral to the sustainability of our Tablelands communities. Tablelands Regional Council initiated the Tablelands Youth Strategic Plan 2019 - 2024 as a response to the needs of young people and the changing social and economic conditions within the region. Together as a community, we identified the current challenges and how these can be addressed  with young people - who are best placed to understand the issues that impact them. The draft Tablelands Youth Strategic Plan responds to the main challenges and opportunities that young people have identified, with youth central to the plan.

This insight has provided the basis for the vision, mission, objectives and actions for the draft Tablelands Youth Strategic Plan   2019 - 2024. Tablelands Regional Council is committed to continuous engagement with the region’s youth to ensure active involvement in developing policies, programs and service delivery to reflect their needs and aspirations. 


What our youth and sector had to say 

The 2017 Tablelands Youth Sector symposium provided critical information which was quantified and analysed for common themes, priorities and opportunities for the development of the draft Tablelands Youth Strategic Plan 2019 – 2024.  


Key themes identified:  

   Social Connection

   Pathways to Independence - Education & Employment

   Youth Mental Health, Family and Community Support

   Enabling Access & Transport




Further engagement with young people and the Youth Sector throughout 2017, 2018 and 2019 identified six strategic priority areas. 

The following 6 priority areas have formed the framework of the draft Youth Strategic Plan 2019 - 2024.  


1. Participation and Development - Young people are valued by the Tablelands community and are empowered with a voice to actively participate in civic life and influence decision making that affects their health and wellbeing.
2. Achieving Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Youth Equity - Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander young people and culture are valued and represented within our community.
3. Active Social Connection - Tablelands young people are actively engaged in the design and delivery of opportunities to enhance social interaction, health and wellbeing.
4. Pathways to Independence - Develop strategic partnerships and opportunites to support pathways to independence.
5. Youth Health and Wellbeing - Tablelands young people are supported to make informed choices about their health and wellbeing by youth specific health promotion, education and early intervention.
6. Enabling Access - Tablelands young people have access to employment, community services, health services, education and training, technology, and opportunites for social interaction.



This project received grant funding from the Australian Government.

  • Stage One

    November 2017 Tablelands Youth Sector Symposium


  • Stage Two

    May 2018 Youth Engagement Forum

  • Stage Three

    Oct 2018 to March 2019 Focus group consultation with Mind Pod Tablelands Youth (MPTY)

  • Stage Four

    17 April to 1 May 2019 Community Feedback on draft priority areas

  • Project Finalisation

    May 2019 Council Endorsement

    July 2019 Launch Tablelands Youth Strategic Plan 2019 - 2024