Smart Community Strategy

Project Overview

Consultation has now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated!

There was a wide range of feedback received through workshops and surveys. This highlighted opportunities to promote business growth, enhance tourism and improve resource management through the use of digital technologies. A summary of the results is available in the Community Engagement Report (see the document library on this page).

The ideas, interests and priorities that are noted in this feedback will help TRC put together a Smart Community Strategy that defines what we want to achieve and how we will get there. More detailed discussion with identified stakeholders will follow, as part of forming a draft strategy to be completed around mid-2020.

Stay tuned for more updates as this project progresses. For further information please contact Calum Kippin (Economic Development Officer) on 1300 362 242.

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.
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We are committed to realising our potential as a smart, connected rural community. Have your say on how technology can be used to improve the liveability, sustainability and economic growth of our region.

Smart community strategies are becoming increasingly popular around the globe as they can mitigate the risks of the digital divide by accelerating citizen capability and capacity to use smart technology, enhancing digital connectivity and driving local innovation and economic growth.

Leveraging these factors will allow Tablelands Regional Council to progress forward and create a vision for changethat makes our region sustainable and attractive in the long term.