Reimagining Community Facilities

Project Overview

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this project. The feedback received has contributed to the development of the Community Facilities Strategy adopted by Council in late 2019. You can find the Strategy at

The Strategy provides a framework for managing council owned buildings, facilities and other assets. It reflects what the community has told TRC about the current management issues and what makes for high quality, sustainable community facilities.

The Strategy does not make specific recommendations about individual buildings and facilities - this will be part of implementing the Strategy in the coming years. TRC staff will investigate a number of high priority facilitiesand work alongside the community to identify ways to make these more sustainable, better utilised, and fit for purpose.

Please stay tuned to Shaping Our Tablelands and TRC communications if you would like to contribute to planning for the future of local community facilities that matter to you. The first project being investigated in 2020 will be the collection of community facilities in the Malanda Town Centre.

Please see the engagement summary of what we heard in the Document Library.

Why are we reimagining?

We acknowledge the significant contribution community facilities bring to our region. They are places where people come together and are vital for the wellbeing of our community. We are committed to delivering quality and appropriate facilities that strengthen connectivity and meet the needs of all residents.

Your input and ideas will help shape community facilities that are fit-for-purpose and sustainable into the future.

  • Community Workshops & Surveys

    May – June 2019

  • Report Summarising Community Engagement

    July 2019

  • Develop Community Facility Planning Framework

    July 2019 to September 2019

  • Adoption of Community Facilities Strategy

    By end of 2019

  • Implementation of Community Facilities Strategy

    2020 onwards

Community Engagement Report

The Community Engagement Report is now available!

Project Update

Thank you to everyone that participated in our 'Reimagining community facilities' engagement.

We have undertaken research and community consultation to hear about your favourite community facility, how our community uses current facilities and explore how we may use them in the future.  We are defining community facilities as places and spaces that provide services and activities that support individuals, families and groups to meet their social and physical needs, strengthen connectivity and maximise their potential and community well being.  Community facilities are spaces for people to meet, learn, socialise, play, exercise and express their culture.

We were inspired by the stories, ideas and reimagining of spaces and places; and the terrific conversations we had about community facilities across the region.  All of the feedback, suggestions and future aspirations will shape how we can work with community to provide, manage and maintain, fit for purpose, and sustainable community facilities across the region.

This stage of consultation is now closed.