Have you Say on Divisional Boundaries

Project Update

Public consultation has closed for Tableland’s divisional boundary review.

Local Government Change Commission conducted community consultation 27 April to 13 May 2019.

New divisions have been adopted for the 2020 local government elections, resulting in boundary alignments for each of the TRC's sixcouncillor divisions.

For all enquiries regarding the review, please contact Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) directly, phone 1300 881 665 or email LGBoundaries@ecq.qld.gov.au.

Please click here to go to the ECQ website.

Divisions to remain for 2020 Local Government elections

The Local Government Change Commission have advised that they have no capacity to undertake further community consultation regarding whether electoral divisions are retained or removed in the Tablelands Regional Council prior to the 2020 Local Government elections.

Tablelands Regional Council will retain six divisions for the next elections, with six divisional councillors and a mayor to be chosen by electors.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback to us on the divisional boundaries review. We received responses from 168 people, with 101 votes in favour of keeping existing divisions with minor boundary changes.