CBD Car Park Poll

Project Overview

Consultation has now closed.

Thanks to all who contributed!

We asked you whether you thought there should be changes to car parking in the CBD areas of the towns of the Tablelands.

The results were:

Total votes: 191

Keep the existing number of car parking spaces - 65 votes (34%)

Have fewer car parking spaces that are wider - 76 votes (40%)

Have a mixture of standard and extra wide car parking spaces - 50 votes (26%)

More Information

Developing a vibrant and thriving town centre is about striking a balance between ease of access, an appropriate number of parking bays, and maintaining an attractive and inviting streetscape.

Feedback from residents and visitors has indicated that some find current car parking to be difficult to access - particularly in large vehicles, for loading, and for the elderly.

The construction and maintenance of car parking bays by TRCis undertaken in accordance with the relevant Australian Standard, which identifies the minimum required design standards. Higher standards may be considered, but changes (to create wider bays, for example) could result in a reduced number of car parking bays being available.

What Next?

This poll has been undertaken to inform decision making on potential changes. As these results indicate no clear consensus, this matter will be presented to the incoming Council for consideration. TRC officers will prepare various options for Councillors to consider.

For more information, please contact TRC's Community Engagement Team on communityengagement@trc.qld.gov.au or 1300 362 242.

From time to time we receive feedback on the design and number of car parks in our central business districts.  

We understand how critical access to car parking is, and we are always looking to balance the number of car parks with the width of the parking space. 

We would like to know what your preference is — fewer, wider parking spaces, a combination of wider and standard size, or keep the number we have with the current width?

Keep an eye on the poll!
  • Poll open

    16 August 2019 

  • Poll close

    14 September 2019

  • What we've heard

    30 September 2019